Solar Flare (3.5-4.5 oz) Lemon Lover's
Whimsical Art

Solar flares and Coronal Mass Ejections are the most powerful explosions in our solar system. Symmetrical Soap weaving with thicker lines of color can be used to suggest solar flares. The Abstract Art has a very primeval look. This soap's fragrance is one of the most popular among many friends, family members and customers. The fragrance is yummy and the soap is luxuriously moisturizing and lathers beautifully.Ingredients: Saponified Organic Coconut Oil, Shea Butter and Olive oil, Jojoba Oil and Organic Lemon Essential Oil, Lemongrass Essential Oil, Litsea Cubeba Essential oil, Vanilla Fragrance oil,soap colorants and real silk.See how this soap was made:

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